Milan Radoje Vukcevich
The Problemist, 1972
Mate in 2
INTENTION: 1.b6? BUT 1...Sd6!
Miguel Uris
Problemas No. 26, 2019, p. 761 (7i)
Show solution
1.b6? (2.Sf2,Bc6#) 1...Bxb6 2.Bc6# 1...Rxb6 2.Sf2# 1...Kd4 2.Sc6# 1...Qxd3 2.Qxd3# 1...Sxd2 2.Sf5# 1...Sd6! 1.g4! (2.Bf5,Qf4#) 1...Rxg4 2.Bf5# 1...Bxg4 2.Qf4# 1...Kd4 2.Sf5# 1...Sxd2 2.Sc6#
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